We support the free market system, unalienable rights, liberty, justice, tolerance & truth...
We oppose all sorts of theft, corruption, slavery & tyranny...
All media have biases, we're just honest enough to warn you of ours...
There is only one political party that is publicly willing to use common sense when it comes to this Nation's drug policy: THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY
The National Libertarian Party
The California Libertarian Party
The San Diego Libertarian Party
How to contact your Member of Congress
The Fully Informed Jury Association is an important organization fighting to bring back this nations Founders intent for the jury system, to judge the law as as well as the individual.
The Voting Integrity Project Protecting the integrity of your vote from criminal politicians like San Francisco's Willie Brown.
Bill Condeis being PERSECUTED by the Linn County, Oregon, Sheriff's Dept. for his political beliefs! He is being threatened with the loss of his property and business if he attempts to exercise his CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH and to PEACEFULLY ASSEMBLE! Give them a call at (541) 967-3911 or (541) 967-3907 or (541) 995-6048 and let them know that in America we still have a Constitution and they MUST uphold it.
Marching to VICTORY!Site Links
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